Message from the Chairman
With Shri Swami ji’s grace and kindness, ANAND SHIKSHA KENDRA SCHOOL, celebrates its SILVER JUBILEE this year.The objective set forth by the benevolent spiritual master, to impart meaningful education, especially to the weaker section of the society and make them competitive has been fulfilled. Students coming from various walks of life, get an equal opportunity to make a sparkling career in the most conducive atmosphere prevailing at ANAND SHIKSHA KENDRA SCHOOL. The seva of the School Management Committee and the total dedication of the Principal and faculties of Anand Shiksha Kendra have made their mission to ensure that every student becomes a wholesome personality and inspired to move ahead and make sparkling careers. I pray at the lotus feet of our lord and master to bless us with Shri Seva to ensure that Anand Shiksha Kendra School is always a unique school in India, where happiness is the source of all achievements.
Best Wishes always,

Message from the Academic Director
The school is regularly engaged in dynamic introspection and experimentation in the realm of academics for the benefit of its students. This flexibility funds the ultimate expression in the art of good teaching. Our aim is to see that our learners do not stop at mere book learning but go beyond to acquire Practical knowledge to become good citizens. The school aims at the all round development of the child which includes physical, psychological, social, emotional and attitudinal growth of the students to make them good citizens. We attempt to create an environment where learning flourishes. We seek parents’ co-operation in strengthening the students’ attitude towards themselves and their personal worth for achieving success.
Best Wishes always,